364 research outputs found

    Biogeography-Based Optimization: Synergies with Evolutionary Strategies, Immigration Refusal, and Kalman Filters

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    Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a recently developed heuristic algorithm which has shown impressive performance on many well known benchmarks. The aim of this thesis is to modify BBO in different ways. First, in order to improve BBO, this thesis incorporates distinctive techniques from other successful heuristic algorithms into BBO. The techniques from evolutionary strategy (ES) are used for BBO modification. Second, the traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a widely used benchmark in heuristic algorithms, and it is considered as a standard benchmark in heuristic computations. Therefore the main task in this part of the thesis is to modify BBO to solve the TSP, then to make a comparison with genetic algorithms (GAs). Third, most heuristic algorithms are designed for noiseless environments. Therefore, BBO is modified to operate in a noisy environment with the aid of a Kalman filter. This involves probability calculations, therefore BBO can choose the best option in its immigration ste

    Biogeography-Based Optimization: Synergies with Evolutionary Strategies, Immigration Refusal, and Kalman Filters

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    Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a recently developed heuristic algorithm which has shown impressive performance on many well known benchmarks. The aim of this thesis is to modify BBO in different ways. First, in order to improve BBO, this thesis incorporates distinctive techniques from other successful heuristic algorithms into BBO. The techniques from evolutionary strategy (ES) are used for BBO modification. Second, the traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a widely used benchmark in heuristic algorithms, and it is considered as a standard benchmark in heuristic computations. Therefore the main task in this part of the thesis is to modify BBO to solve the TSP, then to make a comparison with genetic algorithms (GAs). Third, most heuristic algorithms are designed for noiseless environments. Therefore, BBO is modified to operate in a noisy environment with the aid of a Kalman filter. This involves probability calculations, therefore BBO can choose the best option in its immigration ste

    Biogeography-Based Optimization for Combinatorial Problems and Complex Systems

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    Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a heuristic evolutionary algorithm that has shown good performance on many problems. In this dissertation, three problem1s 1 are researched for BBO: convergence speed and optimal solution convergence of BBO,1 1BBO application to combinatorial problems, and BBO application to complex systems. The first problem is to analyze BBO from two perspectives: how the components of BBO affect its convergence speed and the reason that BBO converges to the optimal solution. For the first perspective, which is convergence speed, we analyze the two essential components of BBO -- population construction and information sharing. For the second perspective, a mathematical BBO model is built to theoretically prove why BBO is capable of reaching the global optimum for any problem. In the second problem addressed by the dissertation, BBO is applied to combinatorial problems. Our research includes the study of migration, local search, population initialization, and greedy methods for combinatorial problems. We conduct a series of simulations based on four benchmarks, the sizes of which vary from small to extra large. The simulation results indicate that when combined with other techniques, the performance of BBO can be significantly improved. Also, a BBO graphical user interface (GUI) is created for combinatorial problems, which is an intuitive way to experiment with BBO algorithms, including hybrid BBO algorithms. The third and final problem addressed in this dissertation is the optimization of complex systems. We invent a new algorithm for complex system optimization based on BBO, which is called BBO/complex. Four real world problems are used to test BBO/Complex and compare with other complex system optimization algorithms, and we obtain encouraging results from BBO/Complex. Then, a Markov model is created for BBO/Complex. Simulation results are provided to confirm the mode

    Biogeography-Based Optimization: Synergies with Evolutionary Strategies, Immigration Refusal, and Kalman Filters

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    Biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is a recently developed heuristic algorithm which has shown impressive performance on many well known benchmarks. The aim of this thesis is to modify BBO in different ways. First, in order to improve BBO, this thesis incorporates distinctive techniques from other successful heuristic algorithms into BBO. The techniques from evolutionary strategy (ES) are used for BBO modification. Second, the traveling salesman problem (TSP) is a widely used benchmark in heuristic algorithms, and it is considered as a standard benchmark in heuristic computations. Therefore the main task in this part of the thesis is to modify BBO to solve the TSP, then to make a comparison with genetic algorithms (GAs). Third, most heuristic algorithms are designed for noiseless environments. Therefore, BBO is modified to operate in a noisy environment with the aid of a Kalman filter. This involves probability calculations, therefore BBO can choose the best option in its immigration ste

    Complex System Optimization using Biogeography-Based Optimization

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    Complex systems are frequently found in modern industry. But with their multisubsystems, multiobjectives, and multiconstraints, the optimization of complex systems is extremely hard. In this paper, a new algorithm adapted from biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is introduced for complex system optimization. BBO/Complex is the combination of BBO with a multiobjective ranking system, an innovative migration approach, and effective diversity control. Based on comparisons with three complex system optimization algorithms (multidisciplinary feasible (MDF), individual discipline feasible (IDF), and collaborative optimization (CO)) on four real-world benchmark problems, BBO/Complex demonstrates competitive performance. BBO/Complex provides the best performance in three of the benchmark problems and the second best in the fourth problem

    Complex System Optimization using Biogeography-Based Optimization

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    Complex systems are frequently found in modern industry. But with their multisubsystems, multiobjectives, and multiconstraints, the optimization of complex systems is extremely hard. In this paper, a new algorithm adapted from biogeography-based optimization (BBO) is introduced for complex system optimization. BBO/Complex is the combination of BBO with a multiobjective ranking system, an innovative migration approach, and effective diversity control. Based on comparisons with three complex system optimization algorithms (multidisciplinary feasible (MDF), individual discipline feasible (IDF), and collaborative optimization (CO)) on four real-world benchmark problems, BBO/Complex demonstrates competitive performance. BBO/Complex provides the best performance in three of the benchmark problems and the second best in the fourth problem

    Computer Vision and Route Planning for Humanoid Robots

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    Our research focuses on vision-based route planning for the NAO humanoid robot. The robot is required to visually observe a scene and decide the shortest possible route for visiting the points of interest in that scene. A robust method for processing image information is used to determine the locations to be visited. We use a perspective projection algorithm to map points from a camera image to locations in three-dimensional space. A camera calibration algorithm finds the distance from the camera to the image plane. Linear regression is used to obtain the equations of camera calibration lines. Thresholds and binary masks are used to distinguish locations in the camera image. Connected component algorithms are used to label and group objects. We use brute force optimization to solve the path planning problem. A matrix containing distances between all pairs of objects is computed, and then a brute force search is used to find the shortest path between those objects. In case the number of objects is greater than about 10, brute force is not computationally feasible, and so artificial intelligence algorithms are used to find the shortest path.https://engagedscholarship.csuohio.edu/u_poster_2014/1016/thumbnail.jp